Touching base and upcoming talks
If you receive this newsletter, then you are likely juggling a range of deep emotions during these difficult days. The Jewish people have experienced a massacre, we have lost many others in defense of our people and our land, and many are missing and kidnapped. Every person is a world to themselves, and every loss aches the Jewish people.
As I live in the south of Israel, the proximity these events makes them even more real, and in recent days I have visited those who are mourning, packed food parcels for soldiers, guarded my local yishuv, written many chizuk-giving posts on social media, reached out to parents with children serving in the IDF, and provided religious counsel and spiritual coaching to men and women both in Israel and around the world. Being #theVirtualRabbi means being a Rabbi to those without a Rabbi and being a voice of hope, strength and comfort for all those who need - and there are many who need.
If you would like to book a session with me to talk through what is on your mind, or to learn some Torah, or to address a halachic issue that you are facing, you can do so here. And if you’d like to make a donation to support the work that I am doing, you can do so here.
In terms of upcoming talks, I am offering a online spiritual coaching workshop tonight (Tuesday 17th October at 8.30pm Israel time) on the topic of Strengthening Faith at a time of War. Additionally, I am starting a new 4-part online or self-study series on Overlooked Considerations in Psak Halacha starting next week. Below are the fliers, and to register for either/both of these, click here.
Thank you and stay safe,