Sitemap - 2024 - Rabbi Johnny Solomon’s Substack

Live a holy life

The song of the land (Miketz)

Envisioning one’s father and mother (Vayeshev)

Finding strength amid sorrow (Vayishlach)


Lonely Burial (Vayetze)

The spiritual value of leisure

Rivka's friends (Toldot)

Hebron & Ma'arat HaMachpela

Bonding together (Chayei Sarah)


Fighting for hope & change (Vayera)

Good vrs. Evil

Serving God while overcome with emotion (Lech Lecha)

Faith, strength & light

Noach, Prayer & Overturning Midat HaDin

Bereishit, Achdut & Simchat Torah

New year, New dreams

Nitzavim-VaYelech: A new covenant with the land

Past and Future

Ki Tavo: Crying through the parsha

Ki Tetze: Chessed & Derech Eretz

Merciful parents

Shoftim: God is on our side

Human shofarot

Re'eh: Seek God

God as our friend

Ekev: Cleave to God

Beitar, Tu B'Av & the Jewish Home

VaEtchanan: Hearing the flow of the Shema

Remember the past and live in the present

Devarim: The ultimate book of the Torah

Rav Amital zt'l

Matot-Massei: The Journey of Life

The resilience of faith

Pinchas: A party of loving friends

Dear Rav Johnny

Balak: The sin of not pausing to reflect

Listening to the still, small voice

Chukat: Hearing harsh words from those in pain

Love the Jewish people

Korach: Don't be ungrateful!

Keep on going...

Shelach Lecha: Bring Them Home!

Dear friend...

Beha'alotecha: The Menorah & the Burning Bush

Nasso: The kindness of strangers


Bemidbar: The Ache and Pain of Numbers


Bechukotai: You are not worthless

In the Hidden

Behar: What will we eat?

Emor: Days, Weeks, Torah & Spirituality


Kedoshim: Don't evade honouring the elderly

Yom HaShoah

Acharei Mot: Being a Jew in exile and in Israel

Shabbat HaGadol

Metzora: Ma Nishtana

Telling our story

Tazria: Don't bad-mouth yourself

Spiritual Impatience

Shemini: God is not an on-demand product


Tzav/Parah: Fresh Offerings

Doubt & Certainty

Vayikra/Zachor: Finding the Shalom in the Shelamim

Transformative listening

Pekudei: Spiritual Upgrades & Downgrades


Vayakhel: The Mishkan as Therapeutic Healing

Faith in times of crisis

Ki Tissa: The Second Love-based Episode


Tetzaveh: A Life as Beautiful as Ketoret

The Blink of an eye

Terumah: Hearing God enthusiastically as children


Mishpatim: The Altar of Justice

Discovering our gifts

Yitro: Ascending to God


Beshalach: Crisis of Faith

Cherishing Mitzvot

Bo: The dangers of physical and emotional darkness

Spiritual Temperature Regulation

VaEra: Hester Panim and Gilui Ohr Panav


Shemot: Moshe is the people of Israel, and the people of Israel is Moshe