Sitemap - 2024 - Rabbi Johnny Solomon’s Substack
Envisioning one’s father and mother (Vayeshev)
Finding strength amid sorrow (Vayishlach)
The spiritual value of leisure
Bonding together (Chayei Sarah)
Fighting for hope & change (Vayera)
Serving God while overcome with emotion (Lech Lecha)
Noach, Prayer & Overturning Midat HaDin
Bereishit, Achdut & Simchat Torah
Nitzavim-VaYelech: A new covenant with the land
Ki Tavo: Crying through the parsha
Ki Tetze: Chessed & Derech Eretz
Beitar, Tu B'Av & the Jewish Home
VaEtchanan: Hearing the flow of the Shema
Remember the past and live in the present
Devarim: The ultimate book of the Torah
Matot-Massei: The Journey of Life
Pinchas: A party of loving friends
Balak: The sin of not pausing to reflect
Listening to the still, small voice
Chukat: Hearing harsh words from those in pain
Shelach Lecha: Bring Them Home!
Beha'alotecha: The Menorah & the Burning Bush
Nasso: The kindness of strangers
Bemidbar: The Ache and Pain of Numbers
Bechukotai: You are not worthless
Emor: Days, Weeks, Torah & Spirituality
Kedoshim: Don't evade honouring the elderly
Acharei Mot: Being a Jew in exile and in Israel
Tazria: Don't bad-mouth yourself
Shemini: God is not an on-demand product
Vayikra/Zachor: Finding the Shalom in the Shelamim
Pekudei: Spiritual Upgrades & Downgrades
Vayakhel: The Mishkan as Therapeutic Healing
Ki Tissa: The Second Love-based Episode
Tetzaveh: A Life as Beautiful as Ketoret
Terumah: Hearing God enthusiastically as children
Mishpatim: The Altar of Justice
Bo: The dangers of physical and emotional darkness
Spiritual Temperature Regulation
VaEra: Hester Panim and Gilui Ohr Panav
Shemot: Moshe is the people of Israel, and the people of Israel is Moshe